What do guys think about non virgin girls?
- guys would much rather have their girlfriend be virgin its a good thing for them to know that no other guy had had them in a sexual manner. and well as when it comes down to sex it changes a little if they are looking for fun no strings attached they would kinda rather have a girl that is not a virgin so that they can be dealing with a women that is a bit more experienced. but also they would want a virgin so that they feel special about being the first one whether they keep it to themselves or later on go off and brag about being the first one
- It's flattering to know that someone wants you to be there first sexual partner. But this is nothing to judge a person by.
Through your life time you will meet partners that have little experience and some who have a lot. There are benefits to both. Someone with experience may be more responsible, mature and might make the experience more rewarding for all concerned. Someone who is not is probably looking for intimacy on a more emotional level. The fact that they have chosen you suggests that you are someone they feel they can trust to share in this experience. It may be more exciting to you that they are inexperienced and you are "breaking them in". As long as you are honest and responsible and safe then what attracts you to a person is entirely up to you. There is no right or wrong
as long as you are not being abusive or hurting the other person.
The sexual experience changes as we mature and age. What you want today wont be the same as what you want at 25 or 30 or 45.
- Im a virgin i think they like girls who are virgins more
boys are very judgement know a days they think every girl is the same like if a rumor gets spread about you tounge kissing A guy or whatever ur title will be SLUT see its the same with a girl if you bang 1 dude he'll think your a slut but sum dudes dont care not every1 is the same
from - http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20110112195733AAcZn2j
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